Table of contents:

Frequently asked questions:

Where are apartments located and how to get there?

Our apartments are located in the Ljubljana's city center on Soteska 6. The whole city center is closed for traffic so you can only get to us walking. However, it is not more than 250 m to the nearest parking, bus or taxi stop.

Where is the nearest parking?

The nearest parking is called NUK II, located on Emonska cesta 4. In the proximity of the apartments are also two parking garages called Parkirna hiša Kongresni trg (Kongresni trg 1) and Parkirna hiša Šubičeva (Šubičeva ulica 3a). On the streets there are parking places available, they are marked with white, but the parking there during the week is limited. However, from Saturday 15.00 until Monday 07.00, parking there is unlimited and free of charge.

When is the check in?

Normally, the check in hours are between 15.00-18.00, however, we know that travelling can be unpredictable. You can contact us and we will arrange the check in at the time that best suits you. We also offer contactless check in, that way you can arrive to your apartment whenever and without stressing about the time.

Is it possible to do the check in on-line?

Yes, we offer on-line check in.

When do we have to check out?

We kindly ask our guests to leave the apartment until 10.00 on the day of their departure. The check out is very simple, you only have to collect your belongings and close the door behind you.

Are pets allowed?

Unfortunately, we do not permit pets in our apartments.

Hygiene and disinfection

In addition to careful regular cleaning before your check-in, we also disinfect every corner of the apartment. We avoid every unnecessary contact and keep social distance at all times. We also offer contactless check-in and check-out.

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